January is a great time to take stock and organize your home and also the perfect month to look at the year ahead and develop a home maintenance schedule. Creating and sticking to a home maintenance schedule will keep your home in top shape year round which helps avoid costly repairs, allows you to budget for improvements, and prepare your home when the time comes to sell.
Given the option, few of us would volunteer to spend a Sunday cleaning the sink and tub drains or re-caulking the windows. But when your home is your biggest investment, as it is for most of us, maintaining it is a must. Home maintenance can feel like a daunting chore, but it doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. A home operates monthly and with the seasons, so maintaining it can follow the seasons too. To make it even easier, follow our home maintenance checklist to stay on top of the small — and big — stuff. With our home maintenance checklist (there is a printable version below too), your house will run much more smoothly, your budget will thank you, you’ll be more prepared for the unexpected and you’ll also be ready for resale when the time comes.

Keep your home in top shape to avoid costly repairs, budget for improvements, and be ready when the time comes to sell.

- Check interior for paint touch-ups needed—plan to paint or schedule with a pro
- Evaluate carpet—does it need to be cleaned or stretched? Budget as needed
- Clean garbage disposal
- Check windows—budget and schedule for repairs or replacements needed this year
- Caulk around interior of windows & plumbing
- Trim Trim trees and shrubs
- Check water softener or filtration system
- Whole house quarterly deep clean
- Have HVAC serviced
- Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers, security system components and GFCIS

- Check exterior for paint touch-ups that are needed
- Clean windows & screens—caulk as needed
- Powerwash or clean exterior as recommended for your material
- Fertilize and mulch
- De-winterize irrigation system and remove winter insulation from outside pipes (after the last freeze)
- Check roof for loose shingles—replace as needed
- Mend gaps and cracks in driveways and sidewalks
- Inspect door hardware, repair or replace loose or tight handles and locks

- Whole house quarterly cleaning
- Clean sink, tub, shower and dishwasher drains
- Check garage door openers and review instructions for manufacturer recommended maintenance
- Remove lint from washer hoses and dryer vents
- Septic system inspection (as needed or 3-5 years—ask a pro)
- Clean garbage disposal
- Seal tile grout
- Flush hot water heater and check for leaks
- Inspect and clean fireplace and chimney and, if applicable, have gas logs serviced

- Whole house quarterly cleaning
- Check water softener or filtration system Have HVAC serviced
- Schedule carpet cleaning for November
- Aerate, overseed and mulch beds
- Clean out gutters/downspouts—check for needed repairs
- Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers, security system components and GFCIS
- Winterize irrigation system and insulate outside pipes
- Whole house quarterly cleaning
- Clean sink, tub, shower and dishwasher drains
Written by : Sarah Wilson